5 Ways to Get Better Sleep, Even When You’re Stressed

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If you’re feeling stressed or anxious, falling asleep can be a big struggle. Rather than getting the 8 to 10 hours of shut-eye that you need, you may find yourself wide awake and staring at the ceiling for extended periods. And when you don’t get a good night’s sleep, you are at risk of a muddled brain or even, in the worst-case scenario, getting into an accident.

If you’re struggling with insomnia, here are a few things you can try to get sweet dreams in no time.


1. Pinpoint the Root Cause

Figuring out the problem is the first step to solving it. Insomnia can be caused by a number of things, and it helps to know the root cause so you can work on correcting it.

Try to go through possible reasons why you can’t sleep. Are you worried about an upcoming deadline? Did you consume any caffeine just before you got into bed? Are you feeling stressed or upset about something? Do you have underlying sleep apnea? Once you’ve identified the root cause, you can try to come up with solutions to alleviate your stress for now.


2. Find an Outlet

If you’re feeling anxious, this could keep you from the rest you need. The only way to prevent pent-up anxiety from keeping you awake is to find release. It helps to have an outlet where you can vent out these frustrations.

You can try meditation to get a clear head just before you sleep. If there are a lot of things on your mind, you can also try listing down everything you are worried about or need to get done. Sometimes, it feels less overwhelming when you can get a clear picture of what you need to do. Speaking to a mental health professional is a great option if you feel you have a busy mind that prevents sleep.


3. Develop a Nightly Routine

Developing a routine can give your brain the signal that it’s time to shut down for the night. If possible, give yourself at most an hour to get ready for bed.

This routine doesn’t have to be elaborate, just something that works for you. Even something as simple as washing your face or drinking water at the same time each night can do wonders.


4. Exhaust Yourself

Sometimes, when you can’t sleep at night, you may just not be tired. If you can squeeze it in, try to exert some form of physical exercise during the day. A light jog or a long walk should be enough to do the trick and get you knocked out in no time.

Not only will this tire you out, but it could also be a useful way to release the tension you’re feeling.


5. Give Yourself Time to Rest During the Day

Although it might sound contradictory to the previous tip, giving yourself time to rest during the day can improve your sleep patterns. Make sure to take small breaks in between your busy schedule so that you can take a breather. This will help you become less overwhelmed by the day so that you worry about it less at night.



Getting a good night’s sleep can keep your mind clear and alert during the day. However, it can be hard to achieve this when you have a lot on your plate. When you get a decent amount of sleep, it will greatly improve your critical thinking skills. If these tips don’t work for you and you are still not getting adequate sleep, you may consider visiting a sleep specialist.

Find a restful night’s sleep with Sleep Better Live Better. Headed by Dr. Muir, we are an insomnia clinic, sleep apnea clinic and overall sleep health clinic aiming to help you explore healthy sleep solutions. Book a consultation now to improve your sleep performance.