Trouble Sleeping: Here’s What You Should Eat to Get Better Rest

upclose holding kiwi
Dealing with your diet and sleeping patterns becomes complicated because they are so connected. However, with proper research and professional advice from a sleep doctor, you improve your chances of getting a good night’s sleep every day.

Most of us have had a handful of nights where we struggle to fall asleep or cannot stay asleep. Sometimes this can be related to something as simple as the food and beverages you have had throughout the day and evening. It has now become common for many adults to experience sleep apnea, insomnia, and other sleeping disorders that could impact their daily routine, so it is important to investigate all the issues that might contribute to poor sleep.

Dealing with your diet and sleeping patterns becomes complicated because they are so connected. However, with proper research and professional advice from a sleep doctor, you improve your chances of getting a good night’s sleep every day.

Some food and drinks are known to help people rest well, but you always need to keep in mind that everybody is different, and different medications can interact with foods, beverages, and herbal remedies. Since other factors are involved in your situation, like your weight, cardiovascular system, and blood sugar levels, it is always a good idea to seek a specialist’s help if you think your diet is impacting your poor sleep. One of the most obvious things to avoid is caffeine, but many people are not aware that the half-life of caffeine in the body is about 5 hours! Below we have listed some lesser-known foods to eat to encourage better sleep.


Tart Cherries

Red tart cherries that can improve your sleep

You can get tart cherries, also known as sour cherries, sold in the market as a whole fruit or only opt for their juice and consume them to help you sleep better. They work to improve your sleep time and acquire better sleep efficiency.

Eating tart cherries or drinking tart cherry juice involves a high concentration of melatonin, a hormone that leads to longer sleep and regulates circadian rhythm (Petre, 2017). The fruit can also have antioxidant effects that result in a healthier sleeping pattern.



Assorted nuts that can improve sleep quality

You can choose from various nuts to eat, such as cashews, walnuts, almonds, and pistachios, before bedtime to enhance your sleep. Just make sure you eat them moderately. Nuts can also have melatonin in them alongside healthy minerals, such as zinc and magnesium, which are both helpful for your body (Vyas, 2020).

If you are experiencing insomnia most nights, whether you consume nuts or drink supplements that contain a mixture of melatonin, zinc, and magnesium, you can look forward to better sleep. But if you are still having difficulty getting good rest, it’s best to visit an insomnia clinic.



Close up photo of a kiwi between someones fingers. Eating kiwi can improve sleep quality

Kiwi is a fruit that comes in green and gold options, but the green variety is more popular across the world. Although it’s linked to New Zealand, the fruit is grown in different countries. It contains various vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C and E, potassium, and folate.

Due to the antioxidant properties of kiwi, they may help people dealing with folate deficiencies. Eating kiwi often is also a good way of handling unusually high concentrations of serotonin found in your body (Vyas, 2020).



Consuming tart cherries, nuts, and kiwi are just some of the sleep solutions you can consider when you’re having a hard time dozing off each night. Make sure you eat these foods well before bedtime, as eating right before you try to go to bed can also impact your ability to fall asleep. In the end, it will still depend on your case and whether you are facing a severe sleeping disorder that requires a doctor’s intervention to solve.

Are you looking for a sleep clinic in Vancouver for your sleeping problems? Sleep Better Live Better is run by a team of sleep specialists striving to provide a way to solve our patients’ problems. Get in touch with us today to book a consultation!



Petre, A. (2017, June 10). 10 Health Benefits of Tart Cherry Juice. From Healthline:
Vyas, N. (2020, August 14). The Best Foods To Help You Sleep. From,a%20range%20of%20bodily%20processes