7 Tips to Help You Rest Easy and Fall Asleep Faster

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It’s the middle of the night. You’ve been lying in your bed tossing and turning for hours. You just can’t seem to get comfortable enough to fall asleep. You’re running out of ideas, and you’re running out of time.

Don’t give up just yet! This is a familiar situation for many of us. Some nights you just can’t doze off for some reason, no matter how hard you try. Sometimes you just haven’t tried everything.


Tips for Falling Asleep Faster

Falling asleep can sometimes be frustrating. What makes it worse is when you’re anxious about not falling asleep, it makes it even harder to do it. Fortunately, there are simple things you can do to increase your chances of fast-tracking the process. Here are some of our recommendations:


1. Create a Sleep and Wake Routine

Every night when you lay in your bed, you subconsciously create a sleep routine. Make a habit out of doing something right before bed, and your body will eventually associate it with sleeping. Try taking a shower or reading a book every night before bed. Soon enough, your body will catch on and make it easier for you. You also need to wake up at the same time everyday, as that will set the start of your day. It can take several weeks for these habits to really set in so don’t give up!


2. Lower the Room Temperature

Try lowering the AC. Sleeping in a cooler room mimics the natural drop in body temperature that occurs when we go to sleep. Ideal sleep temperature is about 65°F, or 18.3°C.


3. Take a Warm Bath

If these minor adjustments don’t help, you can also try a warm bath before bed. This will actually reduce your core temperature as your body regulates its temperature, which one of the first steps your brain takes when it prepares your body for bed.


4. Avoid Stimulants

Stimulants like coffee and nicotine may make falling asleep harder. Avoid them anytime in the afternoon and evening. Instead, you can swap these energy-boosting beverages for more relaxing alternatives. Try switching to herbal tea to help your body relax and prepare for bed.


5. Consider a Melatonin Supplement

A melatonin supplement might help you fall asleep faster. Melatonin is a hormone that plays a crucial role in regulating your sleep-wake cycle. It’s available in pill form and is safe for most people to take at night. However, it’s always best to check with your doctor to see if it’s right for you.


6. No Screens an Hour Before Bed

Try to avoid any electronic devices an hour before bed. This includes phones, TV, tablets, and computers. The bright light, especially blue light, could disrupt your body’s natural sleep rhythms. You can also dim the lights in your house as the evening wears on.


7. Try Playing Sounds

Certain music can help you fall asleep faster. A 2013 study found that listening to music before bedtime can help people fall asleep faster. Jazz, classical and nature sounds all helped participants fall asleep more quickly. White, brown and pink noise are also helpful for many people to tune out any sudden noises and keep you sleeping peacefully.


Rest Easy in No Time

It’s not always easy to fall asleep, so remember to take it easy on yourself. If you’re having a hard time getting to sleep, don’t fret. Use the tips above to help you get some quality rest. Rotate between different methods until you find the combination that works best for you. You’ll be falling asleep in no time!

If all else fails, try visiting a sleep center. Sleep Better Live Better has helped thousands of patients in Vancouver, Surrey and Victoria that have found healthy sleep solutions. Have a quick consultation, and we can help you solve your sleeping problems so you can get the restful sleep you deserve.